|授課地點 Location|
The Living Light Art Studio|Flat B, 17/F, Kwai Bo Industrial Building, 40 Wong Chuk Hang Rd, Wong Chuk Hang, HK|黃竹坑道路40號貴寶工業大廈17樓B室
|報名方式 How To Sign Up|
點選課程報名連結 ▸ 填寫表格 ▸ 完成報名 ▸ 報名後三天工作天內將另外收到E-mail通知報名確認和付款詳情
Click into the workshop page ▸ Click “SIGN UP” ▸ Fill in the form ▸ Registration completed ▸ The confirmation email will be sending to you in the next 3 working days (with payment details)
陶藝體驗課程介紹 Ceramic Trial Workshop Introduction
- 體驗【陶板手繪移印】Trial【Image Transfer Workshop: Painting】| 4 hrs (期間限定 Limited Time)
- 體驗【造型寵物慢食碗】Trial【Slow Feeder Ceramic Pet Bowl Workshop】| 4 hrs (期間限定 Limited Time)
- 體驗【拉坯班】Trial【Wheel-Throwing Workshop】| 2 hrs
- 體驗【手捏班】Trial【Hand-Building Workshop】| 2 hrs
- 體驗【陶瓷碟繪畫工作坊】Trial【Painting on Ceramic Plate Workshop】| 3 hrs
向下看頁面了解更多詳情!Scroll down page for more info!
Trial【Image Transfer on Ceramics Workshop (Hand Paint)】(4 hours)
In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to experience the fundamental techniques of ceramic printing. Based on your own style, you will repetitively depict designs using underglaze colors on silk fabric. Subsequently, these depictions will be transferred onto clay slabs, preserving the texture characteristics of the silk fabric. You can imprint your own designs and patterns and then create simple vessels using hand-building techniques.
|課程人數 Group Size|8
|課程費用 Workshop Fee|$760 per person(含材料、講師費,燒窯費 All materials and firing service is included )
|開課日期 Date|單堂課 Trial 4hrs
・SAT 週六 2pm-6pm (9/9, 16/9, 30/9, 14/10, 21/10)
・SUN 週日 2pm-6pm (10/9, 17/9, 15/10)
・WED 週三 2pm-6pm (11/10, 25/10)
體驗【造型寵物慢食碗】(兩堂・每堂三 - 四小時)
Regular【Interactive Slow Feeder Pet Bowl Workshop】(2 lessons・3-4 hours per class)
第一堂:拉坯及製作寵物碗 (四小時) [可在課堂後預約第二堂時間]
In this workshop, participants will work with clay, combining wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques to create unique and aesthetically pleasing pet bowls that prioritize both health and appearance for our furry friends!
Pets often gobble down their food quickly, which can lead to digestive issues such as vomiting or more serious gastrointestinal conditions. Slow feed pet bowls, with their concave and convex surfaces, allow food to be hidden in the crevices of the bowl. This forces pets to take their time licking and maneuvering the food out, slowing down their eating pace. This not only promotes healthier eating habits but also engages them mentally through interactive feeding.
Unlike commonly seen plastic slow-feed bowls, ceramic material is easier to clean and can be sterilized at high temperatures. Its weight also makes it less prone to being tipped over by pets.
|課程人數 Group Size|4
|課程費用 Workshop Fee|$880 per person(含材料、講師費,燒窯費 All materials and firing service is included )
|開課日期 Date|單堂課 Trial 4hrs
・SAT 週六 2pm-6pm (9/9, 16/9, 30/9, 14/10, 21/10)
・SUN 週日 2pm-6pm (10/9, 17/9, 15/10)
・WED 週三 2pm-6pm (11/10, 18/10, 25/10)
Trial【Painting on Ceramic Plate Workshop】(3 hours)
In this workshop, you will be able to experience painting on ceramic plate with the use of ceramic underglaze. You may create your own designs and patterns on the plates depending on your unique style, and bring them home once fired!
|課程人數 Group Size|8
|課程費用 Workshop Fee|$680 per person(含材料、講師費,燒窯費 All materials and firing service is included )
|開課日期 Date|
Flexible Schedule 彈性上課時間
*團隊會聯繫您預約課堂時間 The team will contact you again to arrange the class schedule.*
Trial【Wheel Throwing Workshop】(2 hours)
This class will introduce entry level pottery skills and knowledge, allowing participants to experience basic pottery wheel throwing, completing one to two pieces of self-made pottery.
|課程人數 Group Size|4
|課程費用 Workshop Fee|$ 560 per person(含材料、講師費,燒窯費 All materials and firing service is included )
|開課日期 Date|Trial 單堂課 2hrs
・SAT 週六 10:30am-12:30pm (9/9, 16/9, 30/9, 7/10, 14/10, 21/10, 28/10)
・Other time-slot on request 可以預約其他上課時間
Trial【Hand-Building Workshop】(2 hours)
This class will introduce entry level pottery skills and knowledge, allowing participants to experience basic hand-building skills, like pinching, slabs or coiling, and completing one to two pieces of self-made pottery.
|課程人數 Group Size|6
|課程費用 Workshop Fee|$ 560 per person(含材料、講師費,燒窯費 All materials and firing service is included )
|開課日期 Date|
|開課日期 Date|Trial 單堂課 2hrs
・SAT 週六 10:30am-12:30pm (9/9, 16/9, 30/9, 7/10, 14/10, 21/10, 28/10)
・Other time-slot on request 可以預約其他上課時間